Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The nemesis of the NRA

This is too funny.

I follow a few blogs and comment from time to time on 3 or 4 of them.

Recently, there has been some discussion on several of them concerning open carry, concealed carry and the location of shootings on college campuses. To sum up a variety of gun nut comments spread over several locations, the idea is that college shootings only occur in states were colleges are 'gun-free zones' --  in places like Texas lots of people carry, although few around them may realize who is armed, so shooters will avoid shooting up Texas schools.

Well, that's the theory anyway. Practice, not so much.

The great antidote to the fantasies of the gun nuts is the daily newspaper.


  1. Someday Harry will realize that data is not the plural of anecdote.

  2. I wasn't the one who claimed shootings occurred only in gun-free zone states. That's a common gun nut argument.

    Incorrect, as we see.

    1. So you're claiming that all, or at least the vast majority of those who resist additional controls and confiscations of guns (who you lovingly refer to as "gun nuts") believe that there has never been a single shooting outside of a gun-free zone?

      If so, I think you're seriously mistaken. If not, your one example here is meaningless (data is not the plural of anecdote).
