Monday, December 9, 2013

Guns don't shoot people . . .

RtO has been ignoring a run of really stupid stories about armed idiots -- but I repeat myself -- but some are hard to ignore. Like this one. I cannot recall the last time I went into a public restroom and encountered a situation that could be controlled only by some stranger with a concealed carry permit and a loaded firearm.

That's because there was no last time. Never happened. Not to me. Not to anybody.

On the other hand, there's a non-zero chance of getting plugged by some jasper with a CC permit, a gun and the brains of a chipmunk.

I am 67 years old. The number of days of my life when I wished somebody around me was secretly carrying a loaded weapon continues to be 0, and it will be 0 for as long as I live.

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