Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Screech of the chicken hawk

Trump is the first antiAmerican president. Let's allow the waspish eunuch of Roanoke to explain:

The military parade which meets the eye in almost every direction  excites the gall of our citizens; they feel a just indignation at the sight of loungers, who live upon the public, who consume the fruits of their honest industry, under the pretext of protecting them from a foreign yoke. They put no confidence, sir, in the protection of a handful of ragamuffins.

From an address by Representative John Randolph to the first session of Congress


  1. The big American parades -- Macy's and Rose -- are entirely civilian. At some sporting events -- mostly stock car races and pro football -- there may be a flyover of fighterbombers or a parachute drop of soldiers.

    But in the Fourth of July parades across the country, the military presence is almost always limited to a truck or a Humvee from the local National Guard armory.

    Trump's lust to see missiles passing by is a sign of his separation from ordinary American experience and his desire to bully. He is a dangerous man

  2. I guess he could be a dangerous man in another time, in these we live in he is mostly a clown. My bet is he will do some damage, but a limited one.
