Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are we having fun yet?

I used to read James Lileks' blog The Bleat regularly but stopped when he started spending all his time talking about what we now (but not then) call social media. Today, idly, I called up his page. He was writing about Candy Corn flavor Oreos.

The mind reels.

I have not noticed Candy Corn Oreos in Hawaii, perhaps it is a Minnesota thing. But I did note "Fun Football-shape Oreos."

As my father used to say, it doesn't take much to amuse some people.

Speaking of which, what is it with the pro- and anti-Apple trolls on the tech blogs? Ditto pro- and anti-Microsoft?

It's as dumb as the pro- and anti-GM, or Ford or Chrysler motorheads. You know, Ford = Fix or Repair Daily, or I'd rather see my sister in a whorehouse than in a Chevy.

And speaking of cars, what's with backing into parking spaces? I'd say close to a third of local drivers do this. But why?

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