Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wilbur Ross doesn't understand

And Lara Trump thinks unpaid workers should take one for their grandchildren.

All my life, I have heard the Republucan Party described as the party of rich people who do not care about he working man (or, latterly, woman).

Ain't it the truth?

Wilbur Ross, a billionaire, does not "quite undestand" why slave workers are not just taking out loans to cover their bills, since that's virtually guaranteed by the government. (He'd know about shifting respoPsibiity for debts.)

perhaps he is unaware that some workers were pretty well borrowed up before getting kicked in the teeth. Not every lender would look at them. And, in fact, as I know from my time as a pawnbroker, for people seeking small amounts of money, except for pawnbrokers, the lending system does not want to hear from borrowers who want a few hundred dollars.

Harry Hopkins made what is perhaps the profoundest  political statement in our history: "People don't eat in the long run,  they eat every day."

That's as true now as it was in 1933.


  1. Maybe it is time for the Democrats authorize a trivial amount of money for something they have all agreed in the past we need.

    For thinking people, Orange Man Bad sounds pretty stupid.

  2. Something like .0125% of the Federal budget.


  3. The Coast Guard could get 15-20 cutters for that, and it needs them. Everything has a cost.

  4. .0125% of the federal budget.

