Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Poll dancing

Public opinion polls show declines in Trunp's standing. Trump says his polls are different and show that he's doing great.

OK. Publish the polls. When were they taken? By whom? How many people were questioned. What were the questions and the responses? What is the margin of error ? All the things that are published by other pollsters.

Otherwise those polls don't exist.  It is possible though unlikely that Trump has been shown polls that show he's doing great. The atmosphere at the White House seems increasingly like that is Hitler's Chancellery in 1945 even including unfriendly Russians trying to gain access.

I can easily believe that Trump is being shown made-up polls. I can easily believe that he made  them up himself.
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Longtime readers of RtO or Great Guys we'll remember how often erp complained about the God complex of Obama and his supporters, one of her many fantasies. It seems almost a law that what right-wingers complain about they do themselves times 10.

Now we have Trump quoting with approval the opinion of right-wing commentator Wayne Root that Israeli Jews regard Trump as the second coming of God. Even if this is true, only a monomaniac would quoted that about himself to 40 million people.

(The head of the Jewish Anti-defamation League objected to Root's and Trump's use of Christian theology to explain what Jews think. We can absolve Trump; he doesn't know the first thing about Christianity.)


  1. Indeed, Harry, everyone criticizing Obama a few years ago, while giving multiple passes to Trump now, has completely depleted their moral standing.

  2. Hmmm. What are Trump's poll numbers amongst Blacks and Hispanics?
