Thursday, November 15, 2018

Young intern doing her job

Sometimes the silliest and most trivial incidents reveal the most.

F'rinstance, Sarah Sanders described the woman who tried to take Jim Acosta's microphone as a 'young intern.'

She's young -- graduated from college in 2012 so in her late 20s. But old in experience, having worked on Rauner's campaign in 2014 and then held the top press aide positions with the Republican National Committee before becoming an assistant press secretary at the White House.

A fast rise, one might say and wonder what her qualifications are.

So, query?

Did Sanders expect no one would notice she was not an intern? Didn't care because the Trumpters will swallow whatever crap they're fed?

Or is this a devious plot to get out of her job by wrecking any semblance of credibility with the press men and women?

One thing for certain: Sanders does not care if everyone in Washington is laughing at her. They are and she had to know that was going to be the outcome.

Perhaps the district judge will be the only one who is not amused.

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