Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Next, Mr. Ed rejects socialized veterinary medicine

They say laughter is the best medicine, and after the latest rightwing attack on Obamacare, we're all laughing so hard we'll never get sick again.

Since it is a journalistic disaster, I like all of it, but I think the best part is where the Rupert Murdoch-run Wall Street Journal mistook a dog for a horse:

 Also, the cover of a Maclean’s magazine issue in 2008 showed a picture of a dog on an examining table with the headline “Your Dog Can Get Better Health Care Than You.” An earlier version of this post incorrectly said the photo showed and headline referred to a horse.
That's some correction. (RtO particularly enjoyed this one because I once worked for an editor who had produced "The Wall Street Journal Book of Animal Stories." Really. He grew up in Iowa and probably could recognize a horse if he saw one, though I never tested him on that.)

But back to cases. The Journal, which even before Murdoch bought it was trying to be a real paper with sections on what to do on the weekend, even though it did not publish on weekends, has a section called Experts, where experts get to opine on their specialty (as opposed to the editorial page, where ideologues opine about everything, with comic results, although not as comic as what's coming next).

 So, no domestic issue is more salient than Obamacare, which was so important the national government was shut down over it; and the Journal needed to get the very most expert expert there is to tell us all about it. So they got:

Yes, they did.

With results you might expect. More corrections:

An earlier version of this post contained a quotation attributed to Lenin (“Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state”) that has been widely disputed. And it included a quotation attributed to Churchill (“Control your citizens’ health care and you control your citizens“) that the Journal has been unable to confirm.

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